How to Name Your Business?

How to Name Your Business? Next item The Vision Thing

A name is the identity of every business and having a good name will help you in getting your business recognized and make your business popular. A right name has a significant role to play in “word of mouth” publicity of your business.

The naming strategies for a B2B business are different from a B2C business.

Here some tips to be considered while naming your new B2C business.
1.       Don’t use complex words or jargons since your customer needs to understand the name more than you

2.       Consider the trademark laws in your place

3.       Take advice from experts to avoid future costs

4.       The name has to communicate your key business purpose and fit in satisfying your vision and missions

5.       Strings, numbers, places and other common names are better to avoid and try to stand out from the crowd

6.       Don’t add any geographical area name along with your name which will limit your scope to develop into other geographical areas

7.       Try to develop a name which makes customers happy and pleasant

8.       Better to avoid name with more than 3 words and having an initial is a bad choice

9.       Give more importance to real words that combination of words even though using the altered versions of existing words are acceptable if it is easily understandable

10.   Think about the name applications on different stationaries and promotional materials

11.   Do a pilot test among your board members, employees, well-wishers and take feedback from them

12.   Check the availability of the domain name, social media and other internet places availability before you finalise. And register the domain before you release your name.

13.   Try to register your business and protect with trademark laws to avoid future legal issues

14.   Don’t use names which are similar to other companies. Remember that competition has to be in product or service not in confusing customers

When you have done with your name suggestions shortlist at least 3 options and brainstorm on it. Your next step is giving a tagline to explain your business we will discuss that another time.

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